Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) is one of the world's most prevalent diseases, with an estimated 64M cases globally.
6.9M cases in the USA drive >$30B in healthcare system costs.
25% of cases are readmitted within 30 days of initial hospitalization costing the US health system an estimated $2.5B [1].
Kwok CS, Abramov D, et al. Cost of inpatient heart failure care and 30-day readmissions in the United States. Int J Cardiol. 2021 Apr 15;329:115-122.
JVPLabs is developing the JVPHome, an easy-to-use device capable of assessing the jugular venous pressure (JVP) height along with standard vitals signs and single-lead ECG.
The JVPHome is for research purposes only. It is not currently licensed for sale.
Assessment of the JVP is commonly performed by physicians to help manage a wide range of medical conditions. The JVPHome is intended to support assessment of the JVP in hospital and home with the press of a single button!
The Team
Paul Weber
Andrew J Smith MD.
Jason Roberts MD.
Michael Weber
Martin Gurbin
April 15, 2021 - Eastern Health announced today that it has begun its first innovation trial through the Living Lab with JVPLabs. This trial is examining the efficacy of enabling the monitoring of patients with congestive heart failure in their own homes. PDF of Press Release.
The JVPHome is a novel medical device that utilizes machine vision in order to facilitate assessment of jugular venous pressure (JVP) height relative to the sternal angle with the ultimate goal of enabling remote JVP monitoring. The current study aims to evaluate the ability of the JVPHome to enable remote identification of JVP height relative to ultrasound among congestive heart failure (CHF) patients when the device is applied by the study team in the clinic. clinicaltrials.gov
Remote patient monitoring (RPM) can empower patients to better manage their health and participate in their health care. When used by clinicians, RPM can provide a more holistic view of a patient’s health over time, increase visibility into a patient’s adherence to a treatment, and enable timely intervention before a costly care episode. Clinicians can strengthen their relationships with, and improve the experience of, their patients by using the data sent to them via RPM to develop a personalized care plan and to engage in joint decision-making to foster better outcomes. The American Heart Association supports initiatives that increase access to and incentivize the appropriate design and use of evidence-based remote patient monitoring technologies. American Heart Association, 2019

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